
abstract class Detekt @Inject constructor(objects: ObjectFactory, workerExecutor: WorkerExecutor, providers: ProviderFactory) : SourceTask


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constructor(objects: ObjectFactory, workerExecutor: WorkerExecutor, providers: ProviderFactory)


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abstract val allRules: Property<Boolean>
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abstract val apiVersion: Property<String>
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abstract val autoCorrect: Property<Boolean>
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@get:PathSensitive(value = PathSensitivity.RELATIVE)
abstract val baseline: RegularFileProperty
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abstract val basePath: Property<String>

Respect only the file path for incremental build. Using @InputFile respects both file path and content.

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abstract val buildUponDefaultConfig: Property<Boolean>
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abstract val classpath: ConfigurableFileCollection
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@get:PathSensitive(value = PathSensitivity.RELATIVE)
abstract val config: ConfigurableFileCollection
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abstract val debug: Property<Boolean>
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abstract val detektClasspath: ConfigurableFileCollection
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abstract val disableDefaultRuleSets: Property<Boolean>
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abstract val failOnSeverity: Property<FailOnSeverity>
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abstract val freeCompilerArgs: ListProperty<String>
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abstract val friendPaths: ConfigurableFileCollection
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abstract val ignoreFailures: Property<Boolean>
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abstract val jdkHome: DirectoryProperty
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abstract val jvmTarget: Property<String>
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abstract val languageVersion: Property<String>
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abstract val noJdk: Property<Boolean>
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abstract val optIn: ListProperty<String>
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abstract val parallel: Property<Boolean>
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abstract val pluginClasspath: ConfigurableFileCollection
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fun check()
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@PathSensitive(value = PathSensitivity.RELATIVE)
open override fun getSource(): FileTree
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fun reports(configure: Action<DetektReports>)