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Version: 1.23.6

Run detekt using a Git pre-commit hook

detekt can be integrated into your development workflow by using a Git pre-commit hook. For that reason Git supports to run custom scripts automatically, when a specific action occurs. The mentioned pre-commit hook can be setup locally on your dev-machine. The following client-side detekt hook is triggered by a commit operation, and checks all files via the gradle task.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Running detekt check..."
OUTPUT="/tmp/detekt-$(date +%s)"
./gradlew detekt > $OUTPUT
if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
echo "***********************************************"
echo " detekt failed "
echo " Please fix the above issues before committing "
echo "***********************************************"

The shell script can be installed by copying the content over to <<your-repo>>/.git/hooks/pre-commit. This pre-commit hook needs to be executable, so you may need to change the permission (chmod +x pre-commit). More information about Git hooks and how to install them can be found in Atlassian's tutorial.

A special thanks goes to Mohit Sarveiya for providing this shell script. You can watch his excellent talk about Static Code Analysis For Kotlin on YouTube.

Only run on staged files - Gradle

It is possible to configure Gradle to only run on staged files in pre-commit hook. This has the advantage of speedier execution, by running on fewer files and of lowered false positives by not scanning files that are not yet ready to be commited.

First, we need to declare a getGitStagedFiles function - a function task that will retrieve list of staged files in a configuration-cache compatible way. Paste following into your project's build.gradle.kts:

fun Project.getGitStagedFiles(rootDir: File): Provider<List<File>> {
return providers.exec {
it.commandLine("git", "--no-pager", "diff", "--name-only", "--cached")
.map { outputText ->
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.map { File(rootDir, it) }

Then we need to configure Detekt task and change its source from the entire src foler (by default) to only set of files that have been staged by git. Paste following into your project's build.gradle.kts:

tasks.withType<io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt.Detekt>().configureEach {
if (project.hasProperty("precommit")) {
val rootDir = project.rootDir
val projectDir = projectDir

val fileCollection = files()

.map { stagedFiles ->
val stagedFilesFromThisProject = stagedFiles
.filter { it.startsWith(projectDir) }



Additionally, if your project uses .gradle.kts files and you want to use type resolution for pre-commit detekt checks, you must exclude them from pre-commit hook. Otherwise, you will be unable to commit any changes to the .gradle.kts files, since detekt pre-commit check would crash every time due to

afterEvaluate {
tasks.withType( {
val typeResolutionEnabled = !classpath.isEmpty
if (typeResolutionEnabled && project.hasProperty("precommit")) {
// We must exclude kts files from pre-commit hook to prevent detekt from crashing
// This is a workaround for the

Finally, we need to add -Pprecommit=true to the pre-commit script to tell Gradle to run detekt in "pre-commit mode". For example, from above

./gradlew -Pprecommit=true detekt > $OUTPUT

Only run on staged files - CLI

It is also possible to use the CLI to create a hook that only runs on staged files. This has the advantage of speedier execution by avoiding the warm-up time of the gradle daemon.

Please note, however, that a handful of checks requiring type resolution will not work correctly with this approach. If you do adopt a partial CLI hook, it is recommended that you still implement a full detekt check as part of your CI pipeline.

This example has been put together using pre-commit, but the same principle can be applied to any kind of hook.

Hook definition in pre-commit:

- id: detekt
name: detekt check
description: Runs `detekt` on modified .kt files.
language: script
files: \.kt



echo "Running detekt check..."
detektInput=$(IFS=,;printf "%s" "${fileArray[*]}")
echo "Input files: $detektInput"

OUTPUT=$(detekt --input "$detektInput" 2>&1)
if [ $EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
echo $OUTPUT
echo "***********************************************"
echo " detekt failed "
echo " Please fix the above issues before committing "
echo "***********************************************"