Package-level declarations


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class KotlinCoreEnvironmentWrapper(environment: KotlinCoreEnvironment?, disposable: Disposable)

Make sure to always call dispose or use a use block when working with KotlinCoreEnvironments.

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The object to use the Kotlin script engine for code compilation.

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fun compileContentForTest(content: String, path: Path): KtFile
fun compileContentForTest(content: String, filename: String = "Test.kt"): KtFile

Use this method if you define a kt file/class as a plain string in your test.

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fun compileForTest(path: Path): KtFile

Use this method if you test a kt file/class in the test resources.

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fun createEnvironment(additionalRootPaths: List<File> = emptyList(), additionalJavaSourceRootPaths: List<File> = emptyList()): KotlinCoreEnvironmentWrapper

Create a {@link KotlinCoreEnvironmentWrapper} used for test.

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Creates a new directory in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix to generate its name. The resulting directory in the returned path is automatically deleted on JVM exit.

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fun createTempFileForTest(prefix: String, suffix: String): Path

Creates an empty file in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name. The resulting file in the returned path is automatically deleted on JVM exit.

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fun resource(name: String): URI
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fun resourceUrl(name: String): URL